Tight hip flexors are a pain in the… back!
There are many independent causes of back pain – however, in general, back pain is often caused by a combination of multiple factors, because our bodies function in a multifaceted way. The muscles that move the thigh forwards and stabilise the pelvis – hip flexors – are often affected, or contribute to, back pain.
Commonly, once you’ve got established back pain, you will develop tight hip flexors. Subsequently, tightness results in weakness of the same muscles.
One of the hip flexor muscles – the iliopsoas is attached at one end to the lumbar vertebrae so when tight it puts direct pressure on the spine and can cause ongoing back pain.
Tight quadriceps will also affect your pelvis alignment and put pressure on your lower back.
It follows that stretching these groups of muscles may significantly reduce and and help alleviate back pain.
There are many causes of tight hip flexors. Some of these are:
This link is to a video that demonstrates one way to stretch the Iliopsoas muscle group.
If you have back pain, try it. If you sit for long periods you need to do it as part of your daily routine.
As with any stretch or exercise do not continue if you are experiencing pain.
Getting treatment and expert advice from health providers such as a Physiotherapist is an important long-term solution.